Seminar TestimonialsRH Ortho DirectorExcellent Seminar. Can’t wait for part 3. I thought your lecture material was spot on. I hope the residents realize that the complexion of orthodontic practice is changing and that there will be more adults with complex problems to resolve. DK Perio. (Harvard)We had Dr. Richman present to our perio/ortho residents before and the feedback was great. Maybe you can invite him to your program as well. NP. PerioThere is such a huge unmet need for combined ortho-perio therapy right now. Dr. Richman does a great job of explaining the etiology of the dental-skeletal disharmony and its consequences as well as treatment options. As a practicing periodontist, this knowledge is vital and will be a large part of my practice in the future. NM-Ortho/PerioThank you for a most edifying, practical, and enjoyable lecture on. (SFOT). While many elements of the orthodontic profession call for diverging into commercial exploitation, your lecture is the voice of traditional scientific enlightenment and scholastic integrity. Yet, your protocol has many practical applications which you clearly demonstrate. You have demonstrated how SFOT can accelerate treatment and meet the challenge of corporate usurpation. But you also proffer a compelling anthropological rationale for alveolus bone augmentation and its role in daily practice. While your academic standards are inviolable, you still make room for the legitimate perspectives of other colleagues. In a cacophony of health-industrial noise your intrepid call for clinical progress on behalf of innocent patients rings true indeed. GC OrthoYour presentation today was most enlightening and impressive. I am an orthodontist and teach with … I started doing PAOO about 10 years ago. RSBI looks great for us to use. I do not think most orthodontists use or look for this. KC PerioThank you for a wonderful course. Very informative. Such an important topic regarding altering the phenotype to prevent post-orthodontic issues and the major impact on improving tongue volume and airway management. Perio DirectorIt was an incredible experience and thank you very much for sharing your knowledge. You have motivated our orthodontic colleagues to start looking at gingival phenotype, possibilities of SFOT for enhanced patient outcomes. We have already identified a handful of cases to start working on. SZ PeriondontistThanks for the very impressive lecture. IT’s been extremely helpful from diagnosing and understanding the etiology. The course did a wonderful job emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and treatment workflow.Thanks again, I know this will be very helpful for us moving forward and your support and guidance is much appreciated. MC Ortho (UI)Thanks for the very informative SFOT lecture. It answered many questions. I do believe there is a future for this procedure in mainstream orthodontics. Thanks. MG PerioColin, I enjoyed the presentation, well organized. The technique was detailed. RB OrthoGreat meeting. Very exciting. Looking forward to seeing you in person. Vim PerioThe program was beyond expectations. My guest ortho. was impressed and appreciative. CF OrthoNo suggestions to improve the course. It was great. |